1) When I join the club what am I expected to pay and when?
Payment is made by Direct Debit to Newport City Council for your sessions with the club – (cost will vary depending on squads).
£10 Joning fee directly to the club.
Swim Wales (WASA) Fees are paid when joining and paid yearly.
Our club secretary will gladly explain all of the above when you come along to the club.
2) What is a WASA or Swim Wales number and where do I get one from?
When you join the club you will have a number of forms to complete, one of which is a Swim Wales form. Once this form has been processed you will be allocated a Swim Wales (WASA) number. You will need this number to enter your child into competitions. You pay a yearly subscription for WASA membership and it is also your insurance to swim with the club.
3) How do I know what to buy for training?
It depends what squad your child is in:-
Dolphins and Sharks – costume/goggles and a hat
Junior Development/Junior Performance/Newport Performance – costume/goggles/hat/kick board/pull buoy and training fins
Regional – costume/goggles/hat/kick board/pull buoy/hand paddles and training fins
Its always advisable to have a spare pair of goggles and hat – Hats are cumpulsory for girls
4) Where can I buy goggles?
The club hold a stock of Swan goggles in various colours priced at £20.00.
We also have a link on this site to Pro Swimwear who stock numerous brands and of course there are lots of other sports shops and websites that you can purchase sports items from
5) Where can I buy swimsuits?
We have a link on this site to Pro Swimwear who stock numerous brands and of course there are lots of other sports shops and websites that you can purchase sports items from
6) Where can I buy kick boards and pull buoys?
The club hold a stock of kick boards, pull buoys and mesh bags priced at £20 for the set (choice of colour) available from our club shop
7) Does my child need a skin?
Unless your child is a member of our Regional squad we suggest that skins are not essential.
8) Do you have a second hand shop?
We do not have a second hand shop at this moment.
9) Who decides what squad my child is placed with and who decides when my child can move?
The coach will decide when the time is right for your child to move squads. The coach sets the performance criteria for each squad and regularly reviews the squad members to ensure that they are placed in the most appropriate squad. The coach will decide when the time is right for your child to move squads subject to relevant stroke development and attendance.
10) Can I meet or get in touch with my child’s coach?
You can contact your child’s coach via email coach@newportswimmingclub.co.uk or assistantcoach@newportswimmingclub.co.uk at any time.
Our Head Coach is available 15 minutes before training to discuss any concerns you may have.
We ask that wherever possible you do not approach our coaches while they are coaching. It is essential that the coaches spend time coaching.
11) Who do I inform when my child is not able to attend a training session?
You can email the head coach coach@newportswimmingclub.co.uk or our club secretary secretary@newportswimmingclub.co.uk and they will ensure the relevant coach will be informed.
12) Where do I get entry forms for competitions?
Notification of competitions will appear on this web site.
Entry forms will be available to download from this site.
All forms should be correctly filled in including WASA number. This number will be supplied to you once you have registered with Swim Wales.
13) Where do I get times from to put on entry forms for competitions?
When your child enters a competition it is your responsibility to record their time or times. This information should then be used on entry forms for future competitions (Meets). Every time your child improves their time this then becomes their new P.B (perosnal best).
14) What does U.C.T and Q.T mean?
Upper Cut Of time (U.C.T) means the time entered cannot be faster.
Qualifying time (Q.T) means the time required to enter.
Different level meets have different entry requirements such as Qualifying Times (Q.T) and Upper Cut Off Times (U.C.T)
If your child has bettered the Q.T they will be guaranteed a swim.
C.T – means that if your child has bettered this time but not ahcieved th Q.T that they can apply to race but if the meet is oversubscribed the promotor may decide to SCR (Scratched) withdrawn. If this happens a refund or credit note will be given.
U.C.T – If a meet is aimed at developement swimmers the U.C.T is used to ensure that these seeking to improve their times in these distances those that have bettered the U.C.T are not eligble to swim.
15) Can I enter competitions without times?
Some Level 4 competitons (Meets) will allow your child to enter without times but this will be stated on the entry form.
16) What races should my child enter?
In our lower squads you will be told what to enter. Initially and wherever possible it is a good idea to enter as many races as possible, this will enable your child to enter further galasbecause you cannot enter races unless specified without a time.
17) What does S.C and L.C mean
S.C means Short course – 25metre pool
L.C means Long course – 50 metre pool
18) Who do I hand my competition forms into?
All competiton forms should be handed to the coach relating to your child’s squad by the deadline. No late entries will be excepted.
19) What time do I arrive for a competition?
Refer to our page ‘competitions for novices’
20) What do I bring for a competition?
Refer to our page ‘competitions for novices’
21) What happens if the pool closes due to adverse weather?
If there is adverse weather conditions we will endevour to ensure that a message is put on the website.
22) Can I volunteer to help within the club?
We openly encourage all of our parents to help with the running of our club. Without our volunteers we would not have a club. You can email our Secretary secretary@newportswimmingclub.co.uk if you are interested in volunteering.