HETEROSEXUAL: Sexual attraction to people of the sex that is opposite.

Posted by: on Sep 10, 2020 in Middle Eastern Live Web Cams Porn | No Comments

HETEROSEXUAL: Sexual attraction to people of the sex that is opposite.

HOMOSEXUAL: intimate attraction to members of exactly the same sex (gay). HORNY: Sexually tense; looking for sexual satisfaction.

HUNG: relates to a person with a big penis.

HWP: Height-Weight Proportionate; a person who has reached their perfect human body fat.

INDOOR/INDOOR SPORTS: moving tasks as a whole.

THINKING ABOUT FRIENDSHIP: Seeks a swinging relationship that features psychological and leisure values.

IRL: In real world; Used in ads or chat that is online.

ISO: In Search Of; Applied in adverts; MWC ISO Solitary Female.

FABRIC: A fetish; intimate stimulation through the putting on or pressing of leather-based or leather clothes.

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