We sequenced the genome and transcriptome of 3 male and 3 individuals that are female each one of the 4 target species

Posted by: on Feb 5, 2020 in Find Mexican Brides | No Comments

We sequenced the genome and transcriptome of 3 male and 3 individuals that are female each one of the 4 target species

Outcomes and Discussion

(P. wingei, P. picta, Poecilia latipinna, and Gambusia holbrooki) (SI Appendix, Table S1) selected to express a also taxonomic circulation across Poeciliidae. For each species, we created DNA sequencing (DNA-seq) with on average 222 million pair that is 150-basebp) paired-end reads (average insert size of 500 bp, leading to on average 76-fold protection) and 77.8 million 150-bp mate-pair reads (average insert size of 2 kb, averaging 22-fold protection) per person. We additionally created, an average of, 26.6 million 75-bp paired-end RNA-seq checks out for each person.

Past focus on the intercourse chromosomes of those types revealed proof for male heterogametic systems in P. wingei (48), P. picta (50), and G. holbrooki (51), and a lady system that is heterogametic P. latipinna (52, 53). For every single target types, we built a scaffold-level de novo genome installation using SOAPdenovo2 (54) (SI Appendix, Table S2).

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