Far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil in a sweeping triumph that may transform the face area of Latin America’s biggest democracy

Posted by: on Feb 15, 2020 in Cheap Mail Order Brides | No Comments

Far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil in a sweeping triumph that may transform the face area of Latin America’s biggest democracy

Until recently, the army-captain-turned-congressman that is former a fringe right-wing vocals in Brazilian politics. On Sunday, Bolsonaro won 55.1 per cent for the vote in front of their left-wing opponent, Fernando Haddad, and was announced Brazil’s president that is next.

Bolsonaro happens to be called “the Trump of this tropics, ” but his fans would like to call him “the Legend. ” He has got already been referred to as the “the many misogynistic, hateful elected official when you look at the democratic world”. Their appeal has exploded as Brazilian voters grew sick and tired of increasing criminal activity prices, federal government corruption scandals, and a economic recession with no result in sight.

Bolsonaro has freely praised the country’s brutal former armed forces dictatorship and stated so it needs to have killed 30,000 more people—“If a couple of innocent individuals die, that’s alright”—and even committed his vote to impeach Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff to an armed forces colonel accused of torturing 500 left-wing dissidents.

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