Final week essays will undoubtedly be scored making use of the scoring that is same because the SAT and ACT examiners.

Final week essays will undoubtedly be scored making use of the scoring that is same because the SAT and ACT examiners.

Want to beat the chances regarding the SAT/ACT essay part of the test?

Ready your kids

Don’t send your teens in cold-turkey. They have to practice writing under pressure for a score. They need to have the opportunity to tame the timed-writing sweats that plague anyone trapped in a gym that is sterile a ticking clock and also the scritch-scratching of pencils all around them.

The relevant skills your teens learn in this class will result in the timed writing essay skills they’ll dependence on tests they take over and over in college. Truly, this will be a training course no senior school student must be without.

The SAT/ACT Essay Class is perfect for college-bound school that is high (10th-12th grades) as preparation when it comes to writing portion of both the SAT and ACT tests, and it has been completely updated to focus on the essay tests which went into effect in the fall of 2015 (for the ACT) and the spring of 2016 (for the SAT). Students write 1-3 essays per plus special exercises designed to help them succeed in crafting this type of essay week. This course trains students to investigate complex prompts and literary selections, and then to organize their insights into an articulate format. We’ll glance at preparation strategies along with processes for writing underneath the pressure of a timer.

Topics addressed in class

How will you find out what the essay question is really asking?

How do you segue from 1 point out the next?

How can you analyze a text critically?

How do you craft a powerful thesis?

So what can be done about revising if you have twenty-five minutes?

How can you plan an essay effectively and quickly?

Imagine if my teen has not written an essay?

Start with the Expository Essay course or with the Help for senior high school home study course, to master the essay format in a setting that is non-timed. Strive for multiple essay writing experiences across subjects for practice within the form.

However, in case the student plans to take the SAT/ACT soon, sign up. This class will definitely even help if the student has not written an essay before!

To learn more regarding how the classes are run, please read about classes on the web.

To explore our Brave Writer classroom, just click here to access a sample class.

Class Structure Description

Brave Writer online classes are specially fashioned with the busy homeschooling parent in mind. Classes last anywhere from four to six weeks. We provide courses that address a specific need that is writing that you can easily make the ones that satisfy your family for the school year. Short class sessions enable you to work around family vacations, out-of-town swim meets, recovering from wisdom teeth removal, and visits from grandparents. We operate on the quarter system, including a summer session. Our most popular classes repeat each published here quarter, while some are seasonal.

Our classes meet in a customized classroom that is online designed specifically to meet the needs of Brave Writer. Only registered students and the instructor gain access to the classroom to make sure your privacy. Assignments and reading materials are posted by Brave Writer instructors every week (no supply that is additional necessary, unless otherwise indicated). Either you (homeschooling parent) or your child (homeschooling student) will look at the classroom daily at your convenience to learn helpful information in regards to the current topic or to find the writing assignment. We operate “asynchronously” (which means the discussion is not live, but that posted information remains accessible to you in your own time zone at your convenience). Instructors check out the classroom for the day to answer questions and present feedback on writing.

Writing is completed in the home and then typed in to the classroom, and distributed to both the instructor as well as other classmates. You’re not needed to be online at any time that is specific of day. We have students from around the global world taking part in our classes so “live” discussion is impossible. Instead, the online classroom enables the instructor to post information and assignments if it is convenient to your instructor. Then, if it is convenient for you personally, you arrived at the classroom and browse the latest postings.

Instructor feedback to student writing is offered for several participants to read through. Writing questions are encouraged and welcomed! That is the point of class. We try to provide you with immediate support as you face writing obstacles.

Brave Writer takes seriously the necessity for encouragement and safety that is emotional writing. No student is ever vulnerable to being humiliated or mistreated. All online dialog is respectful and supportive of one’s young child’s process. Here is the core of Brave Writer philosophy. You can learn about Brave Writer values here.

What makes our program especially unique in the wonderful world of online education is that we value a experience that is corporate. Instead of teaching your youngster in a tutorial format, we prefer students to have the possibility to both publish their work with a gathering (other students) also to have the chance to read other student writing. In hardly any other setting is this possible. Schools-in-buildings rarely have students read each other’s work. Homeschooled children are rarely in a classroom environment to begin with, and so the opportunity to read peer-writing is nil.

Our classes provide an experience that is utterly unique the world of writing instruction. Since most writers grow through emulation of good writing, it really is a real benefit to Brave Writer kids to get the possiblity to see the writing of the fellow home-educated peers. They think it’s great! They get to look at and internalize alternative methods of writing, analyzing and ideas that are expressing for their own. They will have the chance to validate and cheer to their peers. And of course, the part that is best of all is that they get the praise and affirmation of kids the same as them.

Not only this, all instructor feedback is posted into the classroom for many learning students to learn. Which means the kids get the good thing about instructor comments on many papers, not merely their very own. We have noted that this kind of instruction is particularly effective and hope you will agree!

To explore our Brave Writer classroom, just click here to get into an example class.

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