It is very rare for a woman over 30 to become a “heavenly angel”

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It is very rare for a woman over 30 to become a “heavenly angel”

But is the profession of a stewardess as wonderful as it seems at first glance? Is the job of a flight attendant really a continuous holiday and extravaganza of unforgettable impressions? In fact, the professional activity of “heavenly angels” (this is how stewardesses are sometimes called) has a number of peculiarities, because of which this profession can be called not only interesting, but also incredibly difficult. But what are these features you will learn in the framework of this article.

Who is a stewardess?

Stewardess (flight attendant) – a specialist in the rank and file of aircraft and a member of the cabin crew who serves passengers and is responsible for their safety. Since the flight attendants (and stewards) are a kind of “face” of the airline, they have increased requirements in terms of external and physical data: for girls – 42-48 clothing size, height 160-175 cm; for boys – size 46-54, height 170-185; attractive appearance, pleasant voice, age up to 30 years.

The name of the profession comes from the English steward (manager), from which it can be concluded that the flight attendants act as the manager of the aircraft cabin. To some extent, this is so, since during the flight it is the flight attendants who are the “mistresses” of the cabin, receiving guests – passengers. The official date of the emergence of the profession of a flight attendant is considered to be 1930, when Boeing first hired female flight attendants (before that, only men worked as flight attendants). Note that the first flight attendants not only served passengers, but also weighed luggage and passengers, cleaned the cabin after the end of the flight, helped refuel the plane and roll it into the parking lot.

Fortunately, modern flight attendants don’t need to do anything like that. The list of their duties is limited exclusively to servicing the aircraft crew and passengers. Stewardesses meet and place passengers on board, explain the rules of conduct on the aircraft and monitor their implementation, talk about how to behave in case of unforeseen situations and, if necessary, provide first aid, deliver lunches and soft drinks, check the completeness in an emergency – rescue equipment, control the sanitary condition of the aircraft.

What personal qualities should a stewardess have?

As you might guess, the work of a flight attendant is directly related to communication with a variety of people, therefore, “heavenly angels”, first of all, should be polite, sociable and balanced. In addition, the list of personal qualities that a stewardess must possess includes:

restraint; tolerance; diplomacy; a responsibility; attentiveness; patience; stress tolerance; fast reaction; quick wits; volumetric vision; discipline; punctuality; self-control; well-developed memory; technical mindset.

Also, the stewardess must speak at least one foreign language, know the basics of social psychology, have skills in handling emergency equipment and servicing the crew and passengers.

Benefits of being a stewardess

It is not difficult to guess that the main advantage of the flight attendant profession lies in the special atmosphere of romance that surrounds not only the flight attendant’s workplace, but all her professional activities. Vivid emotions, unforgettable impressions, new meetings and life among the clouds – all this is an integral part of the flight attendant’s work.

It is also important that the “heavenly angels” “have the opportunity not only to travel around the world (and, mind you, get quite high wages for this), but also to buy fashionable and high-quality things for themselves and their relatives at European prices. Agree that for young girls this advantage of this profession can be decisive.

It is worth mentioning that the professional duties of flight attendants leave a certain imprint on the attitude of flight attendants towards themselves. Representatives of this profession are so accustomed to always maintaining an impeccable appearance and staying calm even in the most difficult situations that they involuntarily adhere to these habits in everyday life. And this helps them a lot both in their personal life and in building a career in the future, when the profession of a flight attendant becomes inaccessible to them.

Disadvantages of the stewardess profession

Despite the fact that at first glance, the work of a flight attendant seems like the ultimate dream, consisting of some advantages, there are also disadvantages in it. And the main disadvantage of the profession of a flight attendant is strict age restrictions. It is very rare for a woman over 30 to become a “heavenly angel”. Moreover, even experienced flight attendants with an excellent track record are forced to retire after 30 years, since the management of almost all airlines is confident that only young girls can have the desired impact on passengers.

Now let’s talk about traveling around the world. Yes, flight attendants have the opportunity to visit the most different parts of our planet. But visiting does not mean sightseeing and getting to know the culture of other nations. As a rule, the flights of the airline in one direction and the other are carried out at intervals of 2-3 hours, so the flight attendants simply do not have time not only to see the sights, but also just to walk around the vicinity of the hotel, where they relax between flights.

It should be said about the rather difficult working conditions:

firstly, on every flight there may be unpleasant passengers who are rude, scandalous and treat the flight attendants as service personnel. But no matter how unpleasant the passenger is, the flight attendants should always smile and calmly react to aggression; secondly, going on the next flight, the crew members of the plane, including the flight attendants, worry not only about the safety of passengers, but also about their own lives. After all, the plane belongs to the transport of increased danger, technical problems of which can lead to irreversible consequences; thirdly, frequent changes of time zones, pressure drops, noise, vibration and radiation have a negative impact on the health of flight attendants, which causes problems such as varicose veins, gynecological diseases, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and musculoskeletal diseases -motor apparatus.

Where can you get the profession of a flight attendant?

To get the profession of a flight attendant, it is not at all necessary to enter a specialized higher educational institution. It is enough to pass an interview at the airline, a medical commission and preparatory courses, which include both theoretical and practical parts. However, you need to understand that the work of a flight attendant requires tremendous knowledge: from providing medical care to the psychological foundations of negotiating with terrorists. Therefore, an applicant for the position of a flight attendant must at least have the ability to educate herself. And even better, if the flight attendant combines her work with correspondence education at one of the best aviation universities in Russia, which include:

Moscow Aviation Institute; St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation; Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation; Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation; Moscow State Machine-Building University.


School of stewardesses “Sky Jet”; School of stewardesses “Marina-Skul”;

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