Elon Musk has problems with the US Securities and Exchange Commission again

Posted by on Jan 30, 2020 in blog | No Comments

Elon Musk has problems with the US Securities and Exchange Commission again

The most important thing is that the love for the project is greater than the respective egos. Of course there is also discussion. "But then in the end we notice who has the better idea."

The end develops out of the story. Most of the time you let yourself be carried away by the plot and then land on a possible one "Tell Island"The duo describes where the end could take place. "Actually, the course of the story dictates the end – and not necessarily the author"says Christian Habekost.

For the second time within a few days, a dud from the Second World War was found in Schwentinental near Kiel. The American 500-pound aircraft bomb is to be defused Friday morning, as the police announced on Wednesday. Around 1000 residents from the city and the nearby Elmschenhagen district of Kiel must therefore temporarily leave their apartments and houses beforehand. The federal highway 76 must also be closed.

Road closures are to take place on Friday at 9:00 a.m. Residents and employees must leave their home or workplace by 10 a.m. The B76 will be closed from around 9.45 a.m. The Schwentinehalle is opened as an emergency shelter. A mouth and nose cover must then be worn inside.

The bomb was discovered during exploratory work. Not far from the site, experts from the ordnance disposal service had already rendered a 230-kilo dud harmless on November 27.

Experts from the ordnance disposal service want to neutralize two American aerial bombs from the Second World War in Schwentinental (Plön district) on Sunday. The 250 and 500 kilogram duds were found on Wednesday during exploratory work in an industrial area in the Raisdorf district. For the work, all buildings must be evacuated within a radius of around 500 meters from the site and road closures must be set up.

The federal highway 76 is also affected by the closure. The roadblocks are to be set up on Sunday from 10 a.m. The B76 is expected to remain free until around 10:45 a.m. The two bombs are already copies five and six that will be defused in Schwentinental this year.

In a car accident on federal highway 76 on Thursday near Schwentinental (Plön district) four people were injured – including an infant. According to initial findings, the car of a 69-year-old had collided with the oncoming car of a mother, as a police spokesman said. The 33-year-old’s car, in which her baby was also located, was pushed against a third car. A fourth vehicle that drove over debris was also involved in the accident. The cause of the accident was initially unclear.

The 69-year-old as well as the mother and her baby suffered serious injuries in the collision near the vineyard settlement. The driver of the third car was slightly injured. The injured were taken to nearby hospitals.

The B76 was completely closed in both directions between Preetz and Schwentinental. Work on the accident site continued late in the morning. The traffic was diverted via the B202 and the state road 211. The B76 should probably be opened to traffic again around noon.

In a traffic accident on federal highway 76 near Schwentinental (Plön district), five people were injured on Tuesday. According to initial findings, a 73-year-old taxi driver had overlooked a traffic jam in the direction of Kiel, as the police announced. He crashed his car into a van at high speed. Other cars were damaged by the force of the impact. A total of five vehicles were involved.

A 51-year-old was critically injured in the accident. His one year younger passenger and the taxi driver were seriously injured. Two other victims got away with minor injuries. The B76 had to be closed for salvage work for more than two hours in the direction of Kiel. During the landing and take-off of a rescue helicopter, the road had to be completely closed at times.https://123helpme.me/community-service-essay/ According to the police, the damage to property amounts to around 50,000 euros.

Your watchful dog saved two people in Schwentinental (Plön district) from fatal carbon monoxide poisoning on Wednesday morning. dog "Balko" ripped the two 65- and 63-year-old residents of a semi-detached house from their sleep, barking loudly, as the police announced. Irritated, they discovered water damage in the false ceiling to the basement during a tour, which was the reason for smoke development on the oil heating in the basement. With suspected smoke poisoning, both residents were later taken to a hospital in Kiel by ambulance.

Ammunition experts have discovered another bomb from the Second World War in Schwentinental near Kiel. It should be rendered harmless on Friday morning. As the police announced on Wednesday, the American 250-kilo aerial bomb was found during exploratory work after aerial photographs. Several streets have to be closed to defuse, including the busy federal highway 76. The neighboring Elmschenhagen district of Kiel is also affected. It was not until July 30 that two World War II bombs were defused in Schwentinental.

In Schwentinental (Plön district), two aircraft bombs from the Second World War were defused on Sunday. The ordnance disposal service started defusing the vehicle around 11:05 a.m., and around 150 minutes later they were able to give the all-clear, the police said. For the closure, all buildings were evacuated within a radius of around 500 meters from the site in the northern Raisdorf industrial park and road closures were set up. The federal highway 76 was also affected by the closure.

According to the police, the American explosive devices weighing 500 and 250 kilograms respectively are the fifth and sixth bombs that will be defused in Schwentinental this year.

The ordnance disposal service wants to defuse a British bomb from the Second World War in Schwentinental near Kiel today. The 230-kilo bomb was discovered during exploratory work. Several streets will be closed in the morning before the defusing, including the busy federal highway 76. Therefore, major traffic obstructions are to be expected in the area. In the neighboring Elmschenhagen district of Kiel, too, people have to leave their homes and workplaces.

The CDU politician Tobias Meyer won the runoff election for the mayor’s office in Haßloch. The 41-year-old prevailed against Ralf Trösch (49, SPD) on Sunday, as announced by the election management in the town in the Palatinate. Meyer has been head of the Haßloch administration since the end of 2019 due to an illness of the former mayor Lothar Lorch. Meyer is married and has four sons. The student council from Hesse was elected first alderman in 2014 and was responsible for the regulatory office, primary schools and tourism for almost five years in the municipality with around 20,000 inhabitants. Meyer received 56.65 percent of the vote on Sunday, according to the election control, ending up ahead of Trösch (43.35 percent). The turnout was 47.04 percent. In the first round two weeks ago, no candidate had received at least 50 percent of the vote.

Ammunition experts want to neutralize two American bombs from the Second World War in Schwentinental near Kiel today. The 500-kilo bombs were discovered in the Klausdorf district during exploratory measures, the police said. To be on the safe side, residents have to leave their houses within a radius of 1000 meters. About 2,400 people are affected. Roads will be closed from 1:00 p.m.

Experts from the ordnance disposal service rendered a British aerial bomb from World War II in Schwentinental near Kiel harmless on Friday. To do this, they had to blow the detonator of the dud, as the police announced on Friday. There were no complications either in advance or during the actual work. The 230-kilo bomb was discovered during exploratory work.

At around 11.25 a.m., federal highway 76 was opened to traffic again. It had been locked for a good hour and a half. According to the police, this led to backlogs. Several other streets were also closed in the meantime. In the neighboring Elmschenhagen district of Kiel, people had to temporarily leave their homes and workplaces.

Unknown people have parked a box with around 2000 tablets in Schwentinental (Plön district), which can be harmful to health if improperly taken. The box was secured in a parking lot in the industrial park on Wednesday afternoon, the police said on Thursday. It contained psychotropic drugs, beta-blockers, neuroleptics, painkillers and anti-depressants. The police are looking for witnesses who presumably saw the strangers putting down the box between Sunday and Wednesday.

Forest classroom, e-bike tour and a visit to the restaurateur: SPD boss Saskia Esken visited the Black Forest National Park and hoteliers in Baiersbronn on Wednesday as part of her summer tour. The corona pandemic has shaken hotels and restaurants. The federal government has alleviated hardships with emergency aid and the VAT cut, so Esken. "But we cannot replace the lost sales", she said in view of the forced closings during the shutdown. She is all the more impressed with how the gastronomy is mastering the crisis even under the strict hygiene regulations.

Esken also sees the corona crisis as an opportunity: instead of long-distance vacation, destinations nearby are now in demand. At the same time, the old term sustainability is coming back into fashion – and deceleration. "The Black Forest National Park offers this different experience"she said after visiting the forest classroom in the national park near Baiersbronn.

Esken wanted to get an idea of ??the situation and perspectives of tourism and gastronomy in the northern Black Forest. It was a home game for her: The 58-year-old is a member of the Bundestag from the Calw / Freudenstadt constituency. To be in the Black Forest is for them "Return home". Her three now grown up children were here in the forest kindergarten. The SPD leader herself likes to hike in the forest.

After the flying visit to the national park with an e-bike tour to Baiersbronn, Esken listened to the worries and needs of restaurateurs such as the Bareiss families from Hotel Bareiss and Finkbeiner from Hotel Traube Tonbach. Because of the shutdown due to the corona pandemic, hotels and restaurants recorded a drastic drop in sales across Germany. In the area on Wednesday there were a lot of tourists in nice summer weather.

The Tonbach grape is currently well visited. At the beginning of the year, a fire had reduced the luxury hotel’s main building to rubble and ashes. Now the top chefs Torsten Michel and Florian Stolte invite you to the table again in a new environment: The "Black Forest Room" and "Kohlerstube" are in the provisional "Temporaire" accommodated – until the completion of the new building in a lightweight new building on the roof of the hotel parking garage.

With the restaurant "Black Forest Room" were three Michelin stars in January and with the "Kohlerstube" Another star of the renowned gastro guide went up in flames.

In the fight against the spread of the virus, politicians had banned tourists from staying overnight in hotels and other accommodation providers from mid-March. From March 22nd, restaurants were closed with the exception of pick-up and delivery services. The restrictions have gradually been relaxed again since mid-May. Hotels, guesthouses and other accommodation companies across Germany recorded the most drastic drop in sales within a year in May 2020 (real minus 80.0 percent). In the catering trade there was a decrease of 54.6 percent.

Firefighters extinguished a fire in a pallet warehouse in Grünstadt (Bad Dürkheim district). The roof fell into the hall, the police said on Thursday morning. Nobody was injured. The camp caught fire on Wednesday evening. The fire brigade was on site with around 100 emergency services. It was initially unclear why the pallet warehouse caught fire. The amount of damage was also initially unknown.

Hans-Ulrich Ihlenfeld remains District Administrator of Bad Dürkheim. The 57-year-old CDU politician prevailed against SPD challenger Timo Jordan (41) in the election on Sunday, as the administration of the district in the Palatinate announced. 58.9 percent of voters voted for Ihlenfeld and 41.1 percent for Jordan. Ihlenfeld has been the district administrator of the Bad Dürkheim district since 2013. Before that he was mayor of the community of Haßloch. The 57-year-old studied law in Passau and Mannheim and completed a postgraduate course in administration in Speyer.

Elon Musk has problems with the US Securities and Exchange Commission again. It’s again about social media contributions from the entrepreneur. What the authority specifically criticizes. 

The head of the electric car manufacturer Tesla, Elon Musk, has problems with the US authorities again. The SEC is demanding legal action against Musk for violating the conditions of a settlement. This emerges from a corresponding application that the SEC has filed with the competent court in Manhattan. The Tesla share then fell after hours by more than five percent.

Musk tweeted about annual production 

Musk had posted information on Tesla’s possible 2019 annual production on Twitter last week. The problem: The tech billionaire was sued by the SEC last year after misleading tweets and had reached a settlement with the agency that, among other things, forbade him to distribute market-moving news on his own initiative via his social media channels.

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What exactly did Musk tweet that the SEC found out about? "Tesla built 0 cars in 2011 but will build around 500,000 in 2019"wrote the star entrepreneur on February 19. The stock exchange supervisory authority sees this as a violation of the conditions that were agreed in court. They say that Tesla must first check and approve all communications Musk has with the capital markets.