Essay Writing Cheat Sheet for Stuck Students

Posted by on Jul 15, 2020 in blog | No Comments

Essay Writing Cheat Sheet for Stuck Students

I’m always trying to find how to help students quickly come up with topic ideas and a path to cranking out their college application essays.

Typically, I advise them to start with their defining qualities or qualities, and then find real-life stories or moments to illustrate one of these, and go from there.

(Use How to Write Your Common Application Essay in 3 Tips for that approach. It’s also spelled out in greater detail in my own popular writing guide, Escape Essay Hell!, available on Amazon.)

There are many how to find unique topics. I had written this Cheat Sheet Slideshare (a glorified Powerpoint below) to greatly help students who’re feeling stuck and are usuallyn’t excited about my ‘defining qualities approach.’

In this short-and-sweet Slideshare, I encourage students to first root around their past ( stick to high school years) for something that happened to them an experience, interaction, moment or ‘time.’

And then I step them through developing that mini-story (anecdote) into an essay that also helps them showcase their character what they think, believe and care about. Here is the heart of a great college application essay.

If you are feeling stuck in your essay writing, give this a shot.

You still focus your essay on one defining quality or characteristic, but you come at it from a different perspective.

It might be lot simpler than you would imagine!

( Make sure to click on the little bins in the Slideshare that bring you to more detailed tips on my weblog!)

All the best! And let me know in commentary when you have questions.

Nearly all of you landed here in Essay Hell in search of advice on just how to write your college application essays.

And you are surely at the right place!

This post, nonetheless, I’m skipping the essay talk and offering something equally valuable:

The Best Insider Resource on the best way to buy Your Dream College!

I’m no expert on this. Essays are my thing.

But my husband and I have put our own two (big) kids through excellent colleges now (Hurrah!!) and learned a few things along the way.

We started saving early through our 529 plans.

We ignored the peer pressure to push our kids toward prestige colleges at the expense of all our sanity.

We learned about the amazing liberal arts colleges in our country that can cost as much as state universities.

But looking back, I sure wish I had known my friend, Lynn O’Shaughnessy, before we started the process.

I am confident we could have saved potentially tens of thousands of dollars based on all the wise advice, recommendations and a few ideas she shares with readers of her College Solution weblog, and through her incredible The College Cost Lab online course.

Do yourself a favor, ensure you get your name on her email listing to learn about her online class!thesis statement racism examples

Even though we have been both former journalists which had written for top periodicals in southern California, Lynn and I met after our paths crossed in the crazy world of college admissions.

Lynn happens to be the leading expert on guiding families through the bewildering world of financing a college education.

Like nailing your college application essay, the trick to keeping your shirt while investing in college is performing your homework.

The more you know, the less you will make high priced mistakes. And learn the secrets to saving.

Everyone loves that Lynn likes to debunk a lot of the college financial myths to help parents stay sane and solvent. Like all good journalists, she’s a truth seeker, and loves to share what she learns and knows.

I wanted to familiarizes you with a number of her wisdom here.

She generously is allowing me to share her most recent post, which explains that confusing process of figuring out if you qualify for financial aid. I’m also including some links to other helpful posts below.

By Lynn O’Shaughnessy

10 Things You Need To Find Out About Expected Family Contributions

July 28, 2016 One of the biggest questions that parents with college-bound children puzzle with is if their youngster has a chance for financial aid.

This can be more confusing than you might think because at some schools a family could qualify for need-based aid if they make $200,000 a year and at another school, the ceiling for aid could be $70,000.

The first rung on the ladder that you ought to take when grappling using this issue is obtain your Expected Family Contribution. You ought to try this before seriously exploring your teenager’s college options.

10 EFC Tips

Here is a summary of what you should understand this important figure:


An Expected Family Contribution is a dollar figure that represents what financial aid formulas believe a family should certainly buy twelve months of a child’s college education.

No. 2:

The EFC for the average American household with an AGI of $50,000 will usually range between $3,000 to $4,000. There’s absolutely no cap on EFCs so some very wealthy families need EFCs that exceed the cost of an expensive private university.

No. 3:

It’s best to get a ballpark idea of what a family’s EFC are as early as a child’s freshman year in high school. Receiving a preliminary EFC gives parents a rough idea of the minimum amount that they could be expected to buy college.

No. 4:

Families with household incomes of $60,000 to $80,000 and above typically find that they usually do not qualify for need-based aid at state universities, nevertheless they may qualify for need-based aid at private schools. Determining in case a student is eligible for need-based aid requires subtracting the EFC from a school’s cost of attendance.

This affluent family’s EFC exceeds the price tag on the state school therefore the student wouldn’t qualify for need-based aid

In this scenario, the student would be eligible for up to $25,000 in need-based aid from the private college considering that the price of this institution is a lot more high priced and exceeds the family’s EFC.

No. 5:

Families, which discover that they have a high EFC and aren’t eligible for need-based financial aid, should look for schools that provide merit scholarships which can be given irrespective of need. Most schools get into this category.

If an EFC is modest, families should find schools that provide excellent need-based assistance. Far fewer schools fit into this category.

No. 6:

Families will usually have to pay more for college than their EFC indicates they can afford because most schools usually do not meet 100% of a student’s demonstrated financial need. Consequently, it is important to identify more good colleges that would consider a youngster a attractive candidate.

No. 7:

Parents can obtain their Expected Family Contribution by using the College Board’s EFC Calculator. This is what the calculator website looks like:

You need to use figures from your income tax return and your latest non-retirement investment account statements including checking and savings accounts and any accounts and income your youngster has.

Using this calculator, parents will want to obtain their EFC with the federal and institutional formulas. The calculator will produce one EFC with the federal methodology that is linked to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

The calculator will also produce an EFC with the institutional methodology, which will be linked to the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE. The the greater part of private and public colleges and universities only use the FAFSA while 229 mostly private, selective schools also use the PROFILE.

No. 8:

After completing the FAFSA, a student will receive his/her official federal EFC via an electronic document called theStudent Aid Report. The SAR will include the family’s EFC near the top of the report and also provide all the information that the family included regarding the FAFSA. Parents should check for accuracy.

PROFILE filers will not receive an EFC from the College Board, which owns and operates this financial aid application. Institutions that use the PROFILE customize their aid applications by choosing from hundreds of different questions so that you will end up by way of a different EFC for each school. Parents should ask each PROFILE school for their EFC if the institutions usually do not add this important dollar figure on their youngsters’ financial aid awards.

No 9:

Sadly, many schools don’t add a family’s EFC on their financial aid awards. Some institutions suggest that including the EFC on their aid letters will confuse families. More likely, schools don’t want to share EFC figures with families because they can then determine if the package is stingy.

Once a family has their EFC additionally the financial aid package, compare the EFC by what a school is offering. Let’s say that the cost of a school after deducting institutional grants is $39,000 additionally the EFC is $28,000. That means there is an $11,000 gap between what the EFC suggests that family can pay and what the school desires to charge your client. Centered on this knowledge, family can allure the award.

No. 10:

Plug new numbers into the EFC calculator in case a family’s financial situation changes due to such things as a divorce, separation, death, disability, job loss or the care of a elderly parent.

Learn More…

If you’d like to dive much deeper into how to cut the cost of college, please sign up to be notified when I have more information about next launch of my popular online course The College Cost Lab. I’ll be introducing my best class ever in September!